Copyright © 2022 锐禾移民留学

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The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, and operates at arm’s length from government. The IRB is responsible for resolving immigration and refugee cases efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

All IRB decisions have an impact on the lives and security of the individuals appearing before the IRB. They contribute to the security of Canadians, the integrity of Canada's immigration and refugee systems, and the strength and diversity of our nation. Refugees and immigrants have always been part of Canadian history and will continue to help shape our future.

1. Sponsorship Appeal
A person who has filed in the prescribed manner an application to sponsor a foreign national as a member of the family class may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision not to issue the foreign national a permanent resident visa.

2. Residency Obligation Appeal
A permanent resident may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision made outside of Canada on the residency obligation under section 28 of the IRPA.

3. Removal Order Appeal
- A foreign national who holds a permanent resident visa may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision to make a removal order against them made under subsection 44(2) of the IRPA or made at an admissibility hearing.

- A permanent resident or a protected person may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision to make a removal order against them made under subsection 44(2) of the IRPA or made at an admissibility hearing.

There is a time limit for each type of appeal if you miss the deadline, you may lose your right to appeal.

